Researcher and writer on gender and environmental justice
I have trained as a yoga teacher in the Sivananda practice (2002) and became a Yoga Master through advanced teacher training in 2007.
I have taken the 'Yoga of the Heart' training with Nischala Joy Devi in 2012, a practice to support those with heart disease and cancer.
I ran a third yoga workshop run with Gili Shanit in the Arava Desert, Israel in February 2017
Recommended links:
Mark Stevens is an inspiring teacher who teaches yoga influenced by the Sivananda and Jivamukti traditions in which he trained, from an abundant smallholding in Cambridgeshire.
Gregor Maehle has studied yoga intensively, and teaches in Australia. His books on pranayama and meditation are thorough and rigorous, but accessible to the Western reader serious about her practice.
Aliza Olmert, who photographed the desert camp of the first workshop in 2014, seen here, makes art work which is both delicate and powerful. She also works on social projects.
Viveka Gardens is run by Fiona Law who runs some inspiring workshops on yoga, yoga teaching and food growing. Fiona is a caring yoga teacher and horticulturalist.
Yolande Jaglin is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher and a qualified ayurveda practitioner who blends these traditions in an inspired and thoughtful way.
Photograph: Aliza Olmert, 2014
I try to live by the core principles of yoga and these also inform my research. Click here for more information.
My work to integrate yoga, gender and environment justice is ongoing.