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Refereed Journal Articles (since 2000)


Renis Auma Ojwala, Momoko Kitada, Francis Neat, Susan Buckingham 2022
'Effectiveness of gender policies in achieving gender equality in ocean science programmes in public universities in Kenya', Marine Policy, Volume 144,


Johannesen, EllenOjwala, Renis AumaRodriguez, Mariamalia ChavezNeat, FrancisKitada, MomokoBuckingham, SusanSchofield, CliveLong, RonanJarnsäter, JillSun, Zhen 2022 'The Sea Change Needed for Gender Equality in Ocean-Going Research', Marine Technology Society Journal, Number 3, May/June 2022, pp. 18-24(7)


Buckingham, S., Perello, M. and Lopez-Mucia, J.  2020 Gender mainstreaming urban waste reduction in European cities Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Published online October 2020


Buckingham, S. 2020 On the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Conference on Women

Assessing progress in achieving meaningful gender-balance in environmental policy making and management

Faces de Eva Vol 43


Kulcur, R., Buckingham, S. and Ansell, N. 2019 ‘Exposing the Lack of Gender in Climate Change Campaigns: evidence from the UK and Turkey’ Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 21,3


Jose Benedicto-RoyuelaSusan Buckingham & Malcolm Eames 2018 Transitions to sustainability in small islands: combining foresight scenarios with multi-criteria analysis to develop viable sustainability strategies in an EOR International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology

Details here


Buckingham, S., Degen M., Marandet E. 2017 ‘Lived bodies’ and the neoliberal city – a case study of vulnerability in London. Gender, Place and Culture.

Available on-line here


Buckingham, S. 2017 Materializing ecosophy – yoga as an ethical

academic practice, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 99:2, 143-155


Benedicto Royuela, J, Eames, M and Buckingham, S. 2016 ‘Participative foresight scenario mapping’: adapting an MCM method to appraise foresight scenarios for the long term sustainable development of a small island. Int. J. of Multicriteria Decision Making


Wainwright, E., Barker, J., Ansell, N., Buckingham, S., Hemming, P. and Smith, F. 2014 Geographers out of place: institutions, (inter)disciplinarity and identity. Area, 46: 410–417. doi: 10.1111/area.12126


Buckingham, S and Degen, M 2012 Sensing Our Way. Using Yoga as a Research Method Senses and Society 7,3:329-344


Krueger, R and Buckingham, S 2012 Toward a ‘Consensual’ Urban Politics? Creative Planning, Urban Sustainability and Regional Development International Journal of Urban and Regional Research  Article first published online: 19 JAN 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01073.x


Wainwright, E, Marandet, E., Buckingham, S., Smith, F. 2011 The training-to-work trajectory:pressures for and subversions to participation in the neoliberal learning market in the UK Gender, Place and Culture 18(5):635-654


Smith, F., Wainwright, E., Buckingham, S., Marandet, E 2011 Women, work-life balance and quality of life: case studies from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Gender, Place and Culture 18(5):603-610


Wainwright, E, Buckingham, S., Smith, F. 2010 ‘Body Training’: investigating the embodied training choices of/for mothers in West London. Geoforum 3/4


Buckingham S and Kulcur R 2009 Gendered Geographies of Environmental Injustice Antipode 41,4


Krueger R and Buckingham S 2009 ‘Creative City Scripts, Economic Development and Sustainability’ Geographical Review 99.1


Smith F, Barker J, Wainwright E, Marandet E, Buckingham S 2008  ‘A New Deal for Lone Parents? Training lone parents for work in West London’ Area 40,2


Turner I and Buckingham S 2008 Life Beyond First Degree: examining the impact of academic community placements on students’ careers and community involvement in Rust, C ed Proceedings of the 2006 14th international Symposium: Improving Student Learning; Improving Student Learning Through Teaching Oxford:Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development


Buckingham S, Marandet E, Smith F, Wainwright E 2006 ‘The liminality of training spaces – places of private/public transitions’ Geoforum 37: 895-905


Buckingham S, Reeves D and Batchelor A 2005 ‘Wasting Women: gender mainstreaming as a potential tool for environmental justice’ to Local Environment 10,4:427-444


Buckingham S 2005 ‘Women (Re)construct the Plot: the regen(d)eration of urban food growing’  Area 37,3:171-179


Buckingham S 2004 Ecofeminism in the 21st Century The Geographical Journal 170,2: 146-154


Buckingham-Hatfield S 2002 Gender Equality: a pre-requisite for sustainable development Geography 87,3: 227-233


Buckingham-Hatfield S and Walker G 2002 From UNCED to the WSSD: reasons to be cheerful? Local Environment 7, 3: 237-240


Guest Editorship


Smith, F., Wainwright, E., Buckingham, S., Marandet, E 2011 Women, work-life balance and quality of life: case studies from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Gender, Place and Culture 18(5)


Krueger R and Buckingham, S 2009 Sustainability and the Creative City The Geographical Review 99:1


Williams C, Millington A and Buckingham S 2004 ‘Environment and Development in the UK’ The Geographical Journal 170,2 Document1

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