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Susan Buckingham (2025) Commentary: Energy Alternatives - A view from the global North in Seema Arora-Jonsson, Kavya Michaeil and Manish Kumar Shrivastava eds Just Transitions, Gender and Power in India’s Climate Politics London: Routledge


This book turns critical feminist scrutiny on national climate policies in India and examines what transition might really mean for marginalized groups in the country.

A vision of “just transitions” is increasingly being used by activists and groups to ensure that pathways towards sustainable futures are equitable and inclusive. Exploring this concept, this volume provides a feminist study of what it would take to ensure just transitions in India where gender, in relation to its interesting dimensions of power, is at the centre of analysis. With case studies on climate mitigation and adaptation from different parts of India, the book brings together academics, practitioners and policymakers who provide commentary on sectors including agriculture, forestry and renewables. Overall, the book has relevance far beyond India’s borders, as India’s attempt to deal with its diverse population makes it a key litmus test for countries seeking to transition against a backdrop of inequality both in the Global North and South.

Buckingham, S (2021) 'Wasting resources: Challenges to implementing existing policies and tools for gender equality and sensitivity in climate change-related policy in Magnusdottir, Gunnhildur Lily and Kronsell, Annica (eds) Gender, Intersectionality and Climate Institutions in Industrialised States London;Routledge

This book explores how climate institutions in industrialized countries work, to further the recognition of social differences and integrate this understanding in climate policy making.


A range of expert scholars in the field investigate policy-making in climate institutions from the perspective of power as it relates to gender. It also considers other intersecting social factors at different levels of governance, from the global to the local level and extending into climate-relevant sectors. The authors argue that a focus on climate institutions is important since they not only develop strategies and policies, they also (re)produce power relations, promote specific norms and values, and distribute resources. The chapters draw on examples from various institutions including national ministries, transport and waste management authorities, and local authorities, as well as the European Union and the UNFCCC regime. Overall, this book demonstrates how feminist institutionalist theory and intersectionality approaches can contribute to an increased understanding of power relations and social differences in climate policy-making and in climate-relevant sectors in industrialized states. In doing so, it highlights the challenges of path dependencies, but also reveals opportunities for advancing gender equality, equity, and social justice.

Buckingham, S (2020) 'Gender and Environment' 2nd edition London: Routledge

This completely revised second edition of Gender and Environment explains the inter-relationship between gender relations and environmental problems and practices, and how they affect and impact on each other.

Explaining our current predicament in the context of historical gender and environment relations, and contemporary theorisations of this relationship, this book explores how gender and environment are imbricated at different scales: the body; the household, community and city through concepts of work; and at the global scale. The final chapter draws these themes together through a consideration of waste and shows that gender is an important dimension in how we define, categorise, generate and manage waste, and how this contributes to environmental problems. Contemporary examples of environmental activism are juxtaposed with past campaigns throughout the book to demonstrate how protest and activism is as gendered as the processes which have created the situations protested about. The author’s experiences of working with both the European Union on gender mainstreaming environmental research and practice, and with environmental groups on gender-based campaigns provide unique insights and case studies which inform the book.


The book provides a contemporary textbook with a strong research foundation, drawing on the author’s extensive research, and professional and practice activity on the gender–environment relationship over the past 20 years, in a wide range of geographical contexts.

Buckingham, S (2020) ‘Gender and Environment’ in Richardson, D. and Robinson, V eds Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies, 5th edition Macmillan

 At a time where, after decades of progress in gender and sexual rights, people in many parts of the world are facing new forms of resistance and opposition to gender equality, this timely publication confirms the continuing importance and relevance of gender and women’s studies.The fifth edition of this best-selling textbook provides a comprehensive overview of key issues and debates in gender and feminist theory. With fully revised chapters written by specialists across a range of core topics including sexuality, race, bodies, family, masculinity, methodologies and migration, this clearly written but rigorous collection examines contemporary debates and provides helpful examples and questions to consider. Furthermore, it continues to reflect the shift from women’s studies to gender studies, incorporating coverage of masculinity throughout, as well as discussing live debates such as around global activism, transgender rights and the environment. It continues to be an indispensable resource for students, academics and anyone interested in this lively field. 

Buckingham, S and Lada, A. (2019) ‘Contemporary challenges in spatial development’ in Zibell, B., Damyanovic, and Sturm, U. eds Gendered Approaches to Spatial Development in Europe  London: Routledge

This book explores the extent to which gendered approaches are evident and effective in spatial development in selected European countries.

Beginning with an introduction to theories and concepts of gender, space and development, the book includes a brief historical review of gender in spatial planning and development throughout Europe in general, and an overview of different national frameworks in European countries, comparing legal, organisational and cultural similarities and differences. This is followed by a critical reflection on how simplifications and stereotypes of gender concepts are used in the practice of spatial development. The main part of the book offers a transnational discussion of planning practices on selected thematic topics. It starts with gender-sensitivity in urban master planning and at neighbourhood level referring to different types of planning manuals. Furthermore, the book focuses on gender-sensitive evaluation in urban planning as well as international agendas for sustainable development as a framework for a new generation of gender equality policies. The chapter authors assert that climate change, migration and austerity have threatened gender equality and therefore spatial development needs to be especially alert to gender dimensions. The editors end with an outlook and suggestions for further action and research on gender issues in spatial development.

With inputs from some of Europe’s leading thinkers on gender, space and development, this volume is designed to inspire students, scholars and practitioners to reflect upon the contribution that gendered approaches can make in the various fields of spatial development and environmental planning.

Buckingham S 2018  The hissing of summer lawns: cities, gender and climate change, Chapter 3 in 'Why Women Will Save the Planet' edited by Nicola Baird/Friends of the Earth. London: Zed Books


This book is a unique collaboration between C40 and Friends of the Earth showcasing pioneering city mayors, key voices in the environmental and feminist movements, and academics. The essays collectively demonstrate both the need for women’s empowerment for climate action and the powerful change it can bring. A rallying call – for the planet, for women, for everyone.

For further details please visit here

Buckingham S 2018 Curator of Part VIII: Gendered Natures and Ecofeminism, including an introduction to chapters by Seema Arora-Jonsson, Joane Nagel, Niamh Moore, and Mary Mellor in The SAGE Handbook of Nature, edited by Terry Marsden

The SAGE Handbook of Nature offers an ambitious retrospective and prospective overview of the field that aims to position Nature, the environment and natural processes, at the heart of interdisciplinary social sciences. For further details please visit here

Buckingham S and Le Masson V 2017 Understanding Climate Change through Gender Relations London: Routledge

This book explains how gender, as a power relationship, influences climate change related strategies, and explores the additional pressures that climate change brings to uneven gender relations. It considers the ways in which men and women experience the impacts of these in different economic contexts. The chapters dismantle gender inequality and injustice through a critical appraisal of vulnerability and relative privilege within genders. Part I addresses conceptual frameworks and international themes concerning climate change and gender, and explores emerging ideas concerning the reification of gender relations in climate change policy. Part II offers a wide range of case studies from the Global North and the Global South to illustrate and explain the limitations to gender-blind climate change strategies.

This book will be of interest to students, scholars, practitioners and policymakers interested in climate change, environmental science, geography, politics and gender studies.

Book content details, and to order please visit here.

Buckingham S and Rakibe Kulcur; 2017 It’s Not Just the Numbers: Challenging Masculinist Working Practices in Climate Change Decision-Making in UK Government and Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations
Climate Change and Gender in Rich Countries:Work, public policy and action
Edited by Marjorie Griffin Cohen

For further details please visit here.

Susan Buckingham, S 2017 Gender and climate change politics
Routledge Handbook of Gender and Environment
Edited by Sherilyn MacGregor

The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Environment gathers together state-of-the-art theoretical reflections and empirical research from leading researchers and practitioners working in this transdisciplinary and transnational academic field. Over the course of the book, these contributors provide critical analyses of the gender dimensions of a wide range of timely and challenging topics, from sustainable development and climate change politics, to queer ecology and interspecies ethics in the so-called Anthropocene.


Buckingham S; 2015; Gender & the Environment 4 part Major Works; London: Routledge

Campaigns to redress gender inequities and injustices have resulted in significant achievements towards equality, especially for well-educated, career-orientated, white women in the West. However, such campaigns have primarily been conducted in the male-dominated arenas of public politics, paid work, and education, and the ‘successes’ of women’s equality are usually calculated by the masculinist values of politics and the workplace. These, the learned editor of this new Routledge Major Works collection avers, are the very values—predicated on continuous economic and material growth, fuelled by consumption and competition, and combative politics—which are destroying the world’s environment at a dizzying rate. However, since the late 1960s, a growing environmental awareness, combined with the third-wave feminist movement in the West, has challenged this worldview, particularly the liberal notion of ‘equality’ based on women achieving masculinist economic and social norms. Uneasy with the horror of a world in which everyone striving for ‘equality’ would end up consuming at the rate of an average Western male, the newly emerging ecological feminism of the 1970s argued that what constitutes ‘success’ needs to be reimagined, in other—arguably feminist/feminine—ways. This way of thinking prompted a reconceptualization of the relationship between environment and gender, with distinctive debates emerging variously in North America, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Scandinavia, and France.

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Buckingham S; 2015; The institutionalization and masculinisation of environmental knowledge in Hawley, J ed Why women will save the planet; London: Zed Books/Friends of the Earth


Women's empowerment is critical to environmental sustainability, isn't it? When Friends of the Earth asked this question on Facebook half of respondents said yes and half said no, with women as likely to say no as men. 

This collection of articles and interviews, from some of the leading lights of the environmental and feminist movements, demonstrates that achieving gender equality is vital if we are to protect the environment upon which we all depend. It is a rallying call to environmental campaigning groups and other environmentalists who have, on the whole, neglected women's empowerment in their work. We hope that the book will encourage the environmental movement and women's movement to join in fighting the twin evils of women's oppression and environmental degradation, because social justice and environmental sustainability are two sides of the same coin.


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Buckingham S; 2013; Gender, sustainability and the urban environment in Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, and Marion Roberts Fair Shared Cities: the impact of gender planning in Europe; Aldershot: Ashgate


Buckingham S and Kulcur R; 2010; Gendered Geographies of Environmental Injustice in Holifield, R, Porter, M and Walker, G  Spaces of Environmental Justice; Chichester: Wiley-Blackwells
Buckingham S, Turner M eds; 2008; Understanding Environmental Issues; Sage: London


There is now an unprecedented interest in, and concern about, environmental problems. Understanding Environmental Issues explains the science behind these problems, as well as the economic, political, social, and cultural factors which produce and reproduce them. This book:


  • Explains, clearly and concisely, the science and social science necessary to understand environmental issues.

  • Describes - in section one - the philosophies, values, politics, and technologies which contribute to the production of environmental issues.

  • Uses cases on climate change, waste, food, and natural hazards in section two to provide detailed illustration and exemplification of the ideas described in section one. The conclusion, a case study of Mexico City, draws together the key themes


Vivid, accessible and pedagogically informed, Understanding Environmental Issues will be a key resource for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students in Geography, Environment, and Ecology; as well as students of the social sciences with an interest in environmental issues.


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Buckingham S; 2007; ‘Micro-ruptures and micro-geographies: the importance of gender in theorising sustainability’ in Krueger R and Gibbs D The Sustainabile Development Paradox; Guilford Press, New York

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Buckingham S and Lievesley G eds; 2006; In the Hands of Women: paradigms of citizenship; University of Manchester Press
Buckingham S and Theobald K eds; 2003; Local Environmental Sustainability; Cambridge: Woodhead
Buckingham-Hatfield S; 2000; Gender and Environment; London: Routledge

Accessible and lively, this is the first introductory level text to introduce the key issues in the rapidly growing area of gender and environment. This text provides an analysis of how gender relations affect the natural environment and of how environmental issues have a differential impact on women and men.


Using case studies from the developed and developing worlds, this text covers

  • gendered roles in the family

  • community and international connections

  • conception

  • giving birth

  • western practices

  • the body and the self

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© 2023 Susan Buckingham

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