Researcher and writer on gender and environmental justice
2025 in view
Four years ago I was one of eight activists who set up Friends of the Cam, to protect the exceptionally rare and threatened chalk streams of the Cam and its tributaries. They are as ecologically diverse as The Amazon, and 85% of the world's chalk streams are in SE England. They are threatened by over-abstraction as reckless growth is pursued regardless of environmental consequences, and by pollution through agricultural runoff and equally reckless sewage dumping. We try to raise awareness through constructive and celebratory events, including talks and an annual celebration of the rights of the river on Midsummer's Eve.
Gender & Environments Book Series
The latest in this series has just been submitted and should be out late in 2025: Towards a Feminist Climate Policy Approach in Industrialised States, edited by Susan Buckingham, Martin Hultman, Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir and Karen Morrow. This follows up the earlier Gender, Intersectionality and Climate Institutions in Industrialised States, edited by Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir and Annica Kronsell publioshed in 2021.
Three other books in the series have been published in 2024/5:
Gender and the Social Dimensions of Climate Change: Rural and Resource Contexts of the Global North, edited By Amber J. Fletcher and Maureen G. Reed
Mainstreaming Gender in Global Climate Governance: Women and Gender Constituency in the UNFCCC, by Joanna Flavell
Just Transitions: Gender and Power in India’s Climate Politics, edited By Seema Arora-Jonsson, Kavya Michael, Manish Kumar Shrivastava
In August, I have been invited to give a keynote presentation at the Occupational Science Europe Conference, at Essex University. This gives me an opportunity to talk about the meaning that climate activists give to their work. This includes the activists who have been imprisoned - including academics, social workers/educators and medical doctors. I will explore how engaging with action is a key way in which we can find meaning in this unsustainable world. I will also talk as an activist-academic/researcher/writer through my own engagement in climate action/protest.