Researcher and writer on gender and environmental justice

I work as an independent researcher and consultant on gender and environmental issues.
With forty years experience of academic research, teaching and management, and over twenty years experience of volunteering in women's and environmental organisations, I now work independently on projects which will advance environmental and gender justice.
It is my deeply held belief that there can be no solutions to environmental problems without addressing social injustices, and that social and environmental problems, and their solutions, need to be understood as interconnected.
2025 Upcoming
Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir, Karen Morrow, Martin Hultman and I have just submitted the manuscript of our edited book -
Towards a Feminist Climate Policy Approach in Industrialised States. What Would a Feminist Climate Policy Approach Look Like, and How Could We Get There? to Routledge. The book includes interviews with feminist political leaders who have driven forward climate policy, and chapters on policy, practice and approaches. We look forward to its publication later this year.
I am eagerly anticipating the EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) review of Beijing +30, to which I have contributed as an expert on Section K - Environment. This sets out how far the European Union has progressed the objectives of the Platform for Action on Women agreed in Beijing in 1995. Headline findings will be summarised here as soon as the review has been signed off by the European Commission.
Also anticipated shortly is the publication of ‘Imagining Future Directions for Gender Equality’ by the European Commission who invited me to contribute one of twenty essays. My contribution - 'Advancing a coherent green transition that involves both responding to climate disruption and to gender inequality' - is part of the strand addressing ‘Resources’. The EC's aim is that these essays will make real progress on key issues of concern for gender equality.
In August, I have been invited to give a keynote presentation at the Occupational Science Europe Conference, at Essex University. This gives me an opportunity to talk about the meaning that climate activists give to their work. This includes the activists who have been imprisoned - including academics, social workers/educators and medical doctors. I will explore how engaging with action is a key way in which we can find meaning in this unsustainable world. I will also talk as an activist-academic/researcher/writer through my own engagement in climate action/protest.
Throughout the year I am working on a new book 'Ecofeminism: the basics' to be published by Routledge.